Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We love success stories!

Received this note from the Literacy Council of Sumner County yesterday, and just had to share. These are the reasons we do what we do. Thank you, Margie & staff for all of your hard work and dedication!!

Cindi, I just wanted to tell you it has been very exciting with our adult students. They are all about the same level, and have all reached the same point. Katrina's new student has made tremendous progress in 2 lessons and he and his wife are extremely pleased. He is about 21 and graduated from Central via football. Mark is in his 40's and has been to 2 adult programs. After several weeks he is finally understanding how to use his recorder at home and voila! Tom is beginning to make sense of it all and feels that repeating the lessons is good for him; my Hispanic student is finishing book 2 and it has helped so much with his spelling, pronunciation, writing and vocabulary. All the students have said the same thing, they realized they could do the lessons so much more quickly than before and I assure them that is a good thing! I am seeing smiles and sparkles in eyes and it is all good. I know you don't see the adults too often so wanted to share. They have all worked so hard and failed so many times before, it is really a thrill to see the switch turn on. They look me in the eyes, they smile, they talk, they are not afraid to be wrong, they love catching their errors, as they know that means they are learning. It is all GOOD. All but the hispanic man are at kg level. Thank you, thanks to Wendell, and thanks to Philip!

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About Me

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I am a former special education teacher who lucked upon the opportunity to work with a FABULOUS reading program...Beacon Literacy Development. It has changed my, I am able to impact the lives of hundreds of children & adults every year by assisting them with their reading skills. How fun is that??? I have 3 beautiful children, a very loyal dog and a fantastic husband...