Thursday, February 17, 2011

Support our Tennessee teachers

Above is a link to the summary of a bill introduced to the Senate Education Committee by Sen. Jack Johnson, R-Franklin. Read the bill. Inform yourself, write to your representatives. Though I consider myself quite conservative on most fronts and don't agree with every stance that the NEA/TEA takes, I will say this: the teachers union works to protect teachers and their rights. There are too many teachers in Tennessee to take this away from them, and we all know that teachers do not make enough money to go out and hire a private attorney if they feel that they have been treated unfairly. We all how likely it is that teacher pay, etc, would remain somewhat stagnant were it not for the TEA and those willing to stand up for them. Our teachers put in long hours (despite popular opinion on that subject), work in conditions that would often frighten a UFC fighter, and have families and lives of their own. Please read the bill. Speak out. Let your teachers know you respect what they do and are willing to support them.

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About Me

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I am a former special education teacher who lucked upon the opportunity to work with a FABULOUS reading program...Beacon Literacy Development. It has changed my, I am able to impact the lives of hundreds of children & adults every year by assisting them with their reading skills. How fun is that??? I have 3 beautiful children, a very loyal dog and a fantastic husband...